Search results for 'development medical device Italy':

Below is the list of the relevant search results found for the keyword 'development medical device Italy':

Most relevant results:

 md-italy – medical device
MD Italy nasce da un gruppo di imprenditori provenienti da varie esperienze lavorative maturate in diversi settori chimici industriali: farmaceutico, trattamento acque ed analisi chimiche e microbiologiche. La mission dell’Azienda è orientata alla Ricerca e Sviluppo nell’ambito dei Dispositivi Medici (Medical Devices) ed alla messa a punto ...

 il mercato dei dispositivi medici - confindustria dispositivi medici
Il settore dei dispositivi medici in Italia genera un mercato che vale 17,3 miliardi di euro tra export e mercato interno e conta 4.449 aziende, che occupano 118.837 dipendenti. Si tratta di un tessuto industriale molto eterogeneo, altamente innovativo e specializzato, dove le piccole aziende convivono con i grandi gruppi.

 115 offerte di lavoro per medical device, italia | glassdoor
9 gg. Offerte di lavoro per device engineer, Civate Offerte di lavoro, Civate Lavori in BRM Extremities srl, Civate. Stipendi per device engineer, Civate. Recensioni dei dipendenti di BRM Extremities srl Panoramica di BRM Extremities srl. Operations OO. 3,7. Quality & Compliance Medical Device intern. Agordo.

More results:

 76 top medical device startups and companies in italy (2021)
Exosomics is a company located in Siena (Italy), founded in 2011 with the aim to leverage the EV potential for diagnostic purposes. Provides a range of pre-analytical solutions able to enrich tumor-derived EVs and exosomes. BIONIT LABS: Design, Development and Production of Innovative Medical Devices.

 list of contract research organizations in italy - ich gcp
List of Contract Research Organizations and representative ofices of global СROs in Italy. ... regulatory and quality consultancy, based in Rome, Italy, providing a seamless, integrated service for medical device companies who are ... We lead with a product development mindset, strategically blending clinical development, medical affairs a

 healthcare: medical devices 2023 - italy | global practice guides ...
Reporting of complaints involving medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices is now governed by two different decrees of the Ministry of Health, both issued on the Decree of 26 January 2023, one “for reporting complaints involving medical devices by healthcare professionals, lay users, and patients”, published in the official gazette on 31 March 2023, and the other “for ...

 alma development, manufacturing & licensing of medical devices
Medical devices ready to market We are an Italian company dedicated to the development, manufacturing, registration, and licensing of medical devices for topical applications. Proud of a multiannual experience in the research & development of skincare solutions, we decided to turn our know–how into finished product to be distributed worldwide as: Medical Devices classes, cosmeceuticals and ...

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